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Successful communication with candidates | Higher

Written by Malin Cartagena Lindell | May 2024

In an increasingly competitive labor market, companies face the challenge of not only attracting but also retaining talent. A critical but often overlooked area is the importance of feedback to candidates during the recruitment process. A well-thought-out and consistent feedback strategy can significantly improve a company's brand and contribute to long-term success. 


Why is feedback to the candidate in a recruitment process so important? 

Feedback in the recruitment process sends a clear message to potential employees about the company's values ​​and work culture. A study by Bravura underlines that feedback is not just a courtesy but a decisive factor affecting the company's reputation. Candidates who experience poor or no feedback tend to form a negative image of the company, which can spread quickly and spread among potential future applicants. 


This is how the corporate brand can be damaged by bad feedback 

A report from Metrojobb highlighted that poor or no feedback can significantly damage companies' brands. Candidates often share their experiences in their networks or via social media, which can influence others' perception of the company. A negative experience can lead to potential top talent opting out of the company in favor of others who are perceived to have a more respectful and professional recruitment process. 


How to streamline the feedback to the candidates 

To avoid negative consequences and instead build a strong employer brand, companies should implement the following steps in their recruitment process: 

- Structure the process: Ensure that the feedback is an integral part of the recruitment process. This should include both positive and constructive feedback after each interview step. 

- Timetable: Set a time frame for feedback and stick to it. Communicating clear timeframes to candidates creates a sense of respect and value. 

- Customize feedback: Provide personalized feedback based on the individual candidate's performance and competencies. This shows that you, as an employer, take the application process seriously and value each individual contributor. 

- Use technology: Digital tools and platforms can streamline the feedback process and ensure that no candidate is missed. By implementing systems that automatically generate feedback messages after interviews, companies can ensure consistency and efficiency. 


The emotional and professional impact of feedback to the candidate 

A dissertation from DiVA examines the emotional effects of feedback during the recruitment process and its long-term impact on the candidates' professional development. The study highlights that candidates who receive detailed and constructive feedback not only feel more valued, but are also more likely to improve their skills for future opportunities. This creates a positive feedback loop where candidates become more qualified and thus strengthens the labor market as a whole. Providing thoughtful and useful feedback can thus be an investment not only in the individual candidate's future, but also in the wider growth and development of the company and society. 

This research strengthens the case that feedback is critical, not only from a business perspective but also to promote a healthy and progressive labor market. Such insight can lead to rethinking how companies manage their recruitment strategies, focusing on long-term human and professional capital. 


To bring about candidate management and feedback 

Getting back to candidates isn't just a matter of good etiquette; it's a strategic imperative that strengthens your company's reputation and attracts the best talent. By investing time and resources in developing a thoughtful feedback process, your company sets a high standard for openness and respect in all of its business relationships. 


Author: Malin Cartagena Lindell

Reviewer: Moa Jacobsson