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Malin Cartagena LindellOctober 2024

The Difference Between a Traditional Job Ad and a Video Job Ad: Why Choose the New Way to Attract Candidates?

In today’s digital landscape, recruitment has evolved rapidly, and with technological advancements, new and innovative ways to reach potential candidates have emerged. For decades, traditional job ads, where text describes a role and company culture, have been the norm. However, with an increasingly competitive job market and changing expectations from job seekers, new methods have become more necessary. One of these methods is the video job ad—a modern and visually appealing way to capture candidates' attention.

In this blog, we will explore the differences between a traditional job ad and a video job ad, and why the latter is a smart choice for companies looking to stay ahead in their recruitment efforts.

The Traditional Job Ad: Effective, but Limited

A typical job ad mainly consists of text describing responsibilities, skill requirements, company culture, and other relevant information about the role and workplace. It has long been an effective way to reach candidates and communicate what a particular job entails. However, this format comes with several limitations:

  1. Static and Impersonal: Even though a job ad can be well-written, it remains a static representation of a role and a company. Candidates don’t get to see or feel the company culture or the workplace dynamics. Creating a genuine sense of excitement or engagement for the role through text alone can be challenging.
  2. Limited Ability to Stand Out: In a job market where thousands of job ads look practically the same, it can be tough to stand out. For companies in competitive industries, a traditional job ad can become just another one in the crowd and might not necessarily attract top talent.
  3. Passive Information Consumption: Candidates read the ad and receive information without necessarily feeling inspired or motivated to apply. Text-based job ads run the risk of not capturing the attention of candidates who aren’t actively job searching.

That being said, traditional job ads still serve a purpose, especially when it comes to conveying specific information about job tasks and requirements. But to truly engage today’s job seekers, a more dynamic and engaging way of communication is needed.

The Video Job Ad: An Engaging Experience

A video job ad, on the other hand, offers a visually impactful and interactive experience for candidates. In a video job ad, the company and workplace are showcased in a more lively way, providing deeper insight into both the company culture and day-to-day operations. But the benefits don’t stop there:

  1. Visual and Emotional Engagement: A video can communicate much more than text alone. Through video, companies can naturally and authentically showcase their work environment, teams, and culture. A well-produced video can convey emotions, making it easier for potential candidates to relate to the company and feel like they want to be part of it.
  2. Employer Branding: Standing Out in the Market: A video job ad has an immediate "wow-factor." Instead of reading another static ad, the candidate clicks on a video and instantly gets a sense of the company and the role. This can make a big difference in how many qualified candidates actually apply. A video ad simply captures their interest in a way that text cannot.
  3. Faster Communication: A video can quickly convey a lot of information. In just a few minutes, candidates can understand what the role involves, what the company stands for, and whether it’s a workplace they’d thrive in. This is especially important as today’s job seekers often want quick information before deciding whether to apply for a job.
  4. Communicating Unique Values and Culture: It’s hard to fully communicate company culture through text. However, video allows for an opportunity to showcase the people behind the company, the work environment, and the office dynamics. By having employees or leaders speak directly to candidates, the company can convey a sense of authenticity that’s difficult to achieve in writing.
  5. Attracting the Right Candidates: Another advantage of a video job ad is that it can filter out candidates who aren’t the right fit for the company. If a candidate watches a video and feels the work environment or culture isn’t right for them, they’re likely to refrain from applying. This leads to fewer, but more relevant applications from candidates who are truly a good match.

Ease of Use and Reach

Another important aspect is that a video job ad is easy to share across different platforms. Video is a format that works extremely well on social media and websites. By using a video job ad, a company can reach a wider audience and create more shareable content.

At the same time, video is a medium highly consumed by younger generations. According to statistics, younger candidates tend to prefer video when seeking information, meaning that companies using video job ads can reach a younger, often more digitally-focused workforce more effectively.

Why Consider a Video Job Ad?

In summary, a video job ad offers several advantages compared to a traditional text-based ad:

  • Strong visual impact that quickly grabs candidates' attention
  • Ability to convey company culture, employer branding, and values in an authentic way
  • Engagement through emotional connection to the workplace
  • More effective filtering of candidates by attracting those who fit best
  • Wider reach through social media and digital platforms

Transitioning to a video job ad is a smart way for companies to stand out and attract the right talent in today’s competitive job market. Learn more here and see examples of how your company can benefit from video job ads, taking your recruitment to the next level.


Author: Malin Cartagena Lindell

Reviewer: Moa Jacobsson


Malin Cartagena Lindell

Malin has extensive experience in recruitment as an Executive Search Consultant, with a specialization in the fields of Fashion, Retail, FMCG, and IT Recruitment. Malin is currently the Marketing Coordinator at Higher.

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