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Our customers know best! Explore our method of references - read about our customers' own experiences of working with our recruitment tool Higher.


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Hear from the production manager and casting director about their experiences using Higher Casting in one of their largest productions.


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Fremantle uses Higher casting



Previously, Ohlssons required both a CV and a cover letter in their processes, but now they are exempt from that requirement thanks to Higher. Which has helped them a lot in reaching their professional group.

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Ohlssons uses Higher recruitment tool

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Mornington operates two hotels in Stockholm: one in Bromma and another in Östermalm. Leading the Bromma hotel is Christina Hamrin, the site manager responsible for the overall operations and with a strong focus on recruitment. By outsourcing the housekeeping department to an external company, which took over the existing cleaning staff, Mornington now has approximately 15-20 employees. All team members are encouraged to be versatile and capable of working at both hotels, allowing for a seamless sharing of staff to meet any staffing needs.


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"I really think this is the way forward. Working CV-free has worked really well. It is absolutely right to take the digital step also when it comes to the entire recruitment process. Now we have everything in one place, which feels so much better and smoother," says Caroline.

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Helena Strindeborn, Human Resources Manager at ICA Maxi Partille outside Gothenburg talks about how much they have facilitated their recruitment by using Higher and explains why she recommends recruiting CV-free.

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NV Rörteknik uses Higher in their recruitment of assemblers and project managers. Listen to Vice President Emmy Bonnevier talking about the benefits she experiences with the recruitment tool Higher.

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"We can only say that we highly recommend Higher to everyone!" Hear Evelina & Helen, recruitment coordinators at the Social Services Department in Järfälla Municipality, share their experiences of recruiting with the Higher recruitment tool.


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When Linnea Molla started working at Apotea in 2018, she found that the recruitment process did not align with the needs of the company. The CV-based approach was slow and did not match the fast-paced environment. Additionally, the accuracy was low. As a result, the company decided to try out Highers' CV-free and video-based recruitment system, which has resulted in time savings and improved precision in hiring. For instance, when the pressure on e-commerce skyrocketed during the pandemic year of 2020, Linnea and her colleagues successfully recruited 200 employees within a month.


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Apotea kunder

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Gauthier Muniania, Manager at Vapiano Mall of Scandinavia, shares his insights on how Vapiano utilizes Higher and their experiences with our recruitment tool.


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"We use Indeed because we get a lot of applications from there and it's also of high quality, and most of the people we choose to hire are through Indeed"

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Rikard Kornerud at ICA Nära Banér talks about how much time they save with Higher and his favorite features.

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Sarah Ågren Karlsson, the HR manager at ICA Maxi Lindhagen, shares her experiences of working with CV-free recruitment through Higher. Hear her own words below.


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Hear the personal testament of Magdalena, the HR Manager at ICA Maxi Värmdö, as she shares her enlightening experiences working in the Higher department. Discover how this has brought a new level of excitement to the recruitment process. Read her inspiring words below.


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"You save a lot of time by not reading the CV, which doesn't actually say much". Hear Anders Jansson, CEO at Humlegården's Ekolager, talk about recruiting via Higher.

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